6. Installing Basic System Software (3)

6.18. Bzip2-1.0.6

압축/해제 패키지

  • 패치 적용
 $ patch -Np1 -i ../bzip2-1.0.6-install_docs-1.patch
  • 심볼릭 링크 관련 makefile수정
 $ sed -i 's@\(ln -s -f \)$(PREFIX)/bin/@\1@' Makefile
  • man page관련 makefile수정
 $ sed -i "s@(PREFIX)/man@(PREFIX)/share/man@g" Makefile
  • make 준비
 $ make -f Makefile-libbz2_so  
 $ make clean
  • 빌드
 $ make
  • 설치
 $ make PREFIX=/usr install
  • ㅇㅇ
 $ cp -v bzip2-shared /bin/bzip2  
 $ cp -av libbz2.so* /lib  
 $ ln -sv ../../lib/libbz2.so.1.0 /usr/lib/libbz2.so  
 $ rm -v /usr/bin/{bunzip2,bzcat,bzip2}  
 $ ln -sv bzip2 /bin/bunzip2  
 $ ln -sv bzip2 /bin/bzcat

bzip2-shared 와 libbz2.so* 가 안만들어져서 cp가 안됨.
bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz 압축 다시 해제하고 다시 빌드 하니 해결.
(주의) 여러줄 명령어 복붙할때 fail 로그 지나치기 쉬운데 꼼꼼히 확인할것.

6.19. Pkg-config-0.28

The pkg-config package contains a tool for passing the include path and/or
library paths to build tools during the configure and make file execution.

6.19.1. Installation of Pkg-config

  • 빌드준비
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr         \  
             --with-internal-glib  \  
             --disable-host-tool   \  
  • 컴파일
 $ make
  • test suite
 $ make check
  • 설치
 $ make install

6.20. Ncurses-5.9

The Ncurses package contains libraries for terminal-independent handling of character screens.

  • Prepare Pkg-config for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr           \  
         --mandir=/usr/share/man \  
         --with-shared           \  
         --without-debug         \  
         --enable-pc-files       \  
  • 빌드
 $ make
  • 설치
 $ make install
  • 공유라이브러리 이동
 $ mv -v /usr/lib/libncursesw.so.5* /lib
  • 삭제된 심폴릭링크 재생성
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libncursesw.so) /usr/lib/libncursesw.so
  • 심볼릭링크
 $ for lib in ncurses form panel menu ; do  
    rm -vf                    /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so  
    echo "INPUT(-l${lib}w)" > /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so  
    ln -sfv lib${lib}w.a      /usr/lib/lib${lib}.a  
    ln -sfv ${lib}w.pc        /usr/lib/pkgconfig/${lib}.pc  

 $ ln -sfv libncurses++w.a /usr/lib/libncurses++.a
  • make sure that old applications that look for -lcurses at build time are still buildable
 $ rm -vf                     /usr/lib/libcursesw.so  
 $ echo "INPUT(-lncursesw)" > /usr/lib/libcursesw.so  
 $ ln -sfv libncurses.so      /usr/lib/libcurses.so  
 $ ln -sfv libncursesw.a      /usr/lib/libcursesw.a  
 $ ln -sfv libncurses.a       /usr/lib/libcurses.a
  • Ncurses doc설치
 $ mkdir -v       /usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.9  
 $ cp -v -R doc/* /usr/share/doc/ncurses-5.9

아래거 안함. 확인필요.

The instructions above don`t create non-wide-character Ncurses libraries since no package installed by compiling from sources would link against them at runtime. If you must have such libraries because of some binary-only application or to be compliant with LSB, build the package again with the following commands:

$ make distclean  
./configure --prefix=/usr    \  
    --with-shared    \  
    --without-normal \  
    --without-debug  \  
$ make sources libs  
$ cp -av lib/lib*.so.5* /usr/lib

6.21. Attr-2.4.47

The attr package contains utilities to administer the extended attributes on
filesystem objects.

  • Modify the documentation directory
 $ sed -i -e 's|/@pkg_name@|&-@pkg_version@|' include/builddefs.in
  • Prepare Attr for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • 파일시스템 관련 test
 $ make -j1 tests root-tests
  • Install the package
 $ make install install-dev install-lib  
 $ chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libattr.so
  • 공유라이브러리 이동
 $ mv -v /usr/lib/libattr.so.* /lib  
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libattr.so) /usr/lib/libattr.so

attr Extends attributes on filesystem objects
getfattr Gets the extended attributes of filesystem objects
setattr Sets the extended attributes of filesystem objects
libattr Contains the libbrary functions for manipulating extended attributes

6.22. Acl-2.2.52

엑세스 컨트롤
The Acl package contains utilities to administer Access Control Lists, which
are used to define more fine-grained discretionary access rights for files and

  • Modify the documentation directory
 $ sed -i -e 's|/@pkg_name@|&-@pkg_version@|' include/builddefs.in
  • Fix some broken tests
 $ sed -i "s:| sed.*::g" test/{sbits-restore,cp,misc}.test
  • fix a bug
 $ sed -i -e "/TABS-1;/a if (x > (TABS-1)) x = (TABS-1);" \  
  • Prepare Acl for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr \  
         --bindir=/bin \  
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • Install the package
 $ make install install-dev install-lib  
 $ chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libacl.so
  • 공유라이브러리 이동
 $ mv -v /usr/lib/libacl.so.* /lib  
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libacl.so) /usr/lib/libacl.so

6.23. Libcap-2.24

The Libcap package implements the user-space interfaces to the POSIX 1003.1e
capabilities available in Linux kernels. These capabilities are a partitioning
of the all powerful root privilege into a set of distinct privileges.

6.23.1. Installation of Libcap

  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • Install the package
 $ make RAISE_SETFCAP=no prefix=/usr install  
 $ chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libcap.so
  • 공유라이브러리 /lib으로 이동
 $ mv -v /usr/lib/libcap.so.* /lib  
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libcap.so) /usr/lib/libcap.so

6.23.2. Contents of Libcap

Installed programs: capsh, getcap, getpcaps, and setcap
Installed library: libcap.{a,so}

  • Short Descriptions
    capsh A shell wrapper to explore and constrain capability support
    getcap Examines file capabilities
    getpcaps Displays the capabilities on the queried process(es)
    libcap Contains the library functions for manipulating POSIX 1003.1e capabilities

6.24. Sed-4.2.2

sed 유틸리티 설치
The Sed package contains a stream editor.

6.24.1. Installation of Sed

  • Prepare Sed for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin --htmldir=/usr/share/doc/sed-4.2.2

--htmldir : This sets the installation directory for the HTML documentation.

  • Compile the package
 $ make  
 $ make html
  • To test the results
 $ make check
  • Install the package
 $ make install  
 $ make -C doc install-html

6.24.2. Contents of Sed

Installed program: sed
Installed directory: /usr/share/doc/sed-4.2.2

  • Short Descriptions
    sed Filters and transforms text files in a single pass

6.25. Shadow-4.2.1

shadow패키지는 password를 다루는 프로그램을 포함한 패키지.

6.25.1. Installation of Shadow

  • group 프로그램 , man page설치 비활성
 $ sed -i 's/groups$(EXEEXT) //' src/Makefile.in  
 $ find man -name Makefile.in -exec sed -i 's/groups\.1 / /' {} \;

coreutil에서 더 좋은 버전을 설치할 것임.

  • default crypt 대신 SHA512 으로 설정
       -e 's@/var/spool/mail@/var/mail@' etc/login.defs
  • etc/useradd 파일 수정
 $ sed -i 's/1000/999/' etc/useradd
  • Prepare Shadow for compilation
 $ ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --with-group-name-max-length=32
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • Install the package
 $ make install
  • passwd파일 /bin으로 이동
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/passwd /bin

더 적절한 경로

6.25.2. Configuring Shadow

이 패키지는 유져와 그룹을 add, modify 삭제 할수 있는 유틸리티를 포함한다.

  • shadowed password를 설정하기 위해
 $ pwconv
  • shadowed group password 설정
 $ grpconv

6.25.3. Setting the root password

Choose a password for user root and set it by running:

  • root계정을위한 password설정
 $ passwd root

6.26. Psmisc-22.21

실행중인 프로세스에대한 정보를 보여주는 프로그램 포함.

6.26.1. Installation of Psmisc

  • Prepare Psmisc for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • Install the package
 $ make install
  • FHS를 만족하는 경로로 이동
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/fuser   /bin  
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/killall /bin

6.27. Procps-ng-3.3.10

프로세스 모니터링 프로그램
ps도 여기서 깔림

6.27.1. Installation of Procps-ng

  • Prepare procps-ng for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr                           \  
         --exec-prefix=                          \  
         --libdir=/usr/lib                       \  
         --docdir=/usr/share/doc/procps-ng-3.3.10 \  
         --disable-static                        \  
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • test suite
 $ sed -i -r 's|(pmap_initname)\\\$|\1|' testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp  
 $ make check
  • Install the package
 $ make install
  • /usr가 마운트되지 않았을때 찾을 수 있는 경로로 변경
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/pidof /bin  
 $ mv -v /usr/lib/libprocps.so.* /lib  
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libprocps.so) /usr/lib/libprocps.so

6.28. E2fsprogs-1.42.12

ext2, ext3, ext4 파일시스템을 다루는 유틸리티

6.28.1. Installation of E2fsprogs

First, fix a potential security issue identified upstream:

  • 잠재적 보안이슈 수정.
 $ sed -e '/int.*old_desc_blocks/s/int/blk64_t/' \  
    -e '/if (old_desc_blocks/s/super->s_first_meta_bg/desc_blocks/' \  
    -i lib/ext2fs/closefs.c

패치대신 소스파일 직접 수정..?

  • build디렉토리 생성
 $ mkdir -v build  
 $ cd build
  • Prepare E2fsprogs for compilation
 $ LIBS=-L/tools/lib                    \  
 $ CFLAGS=-I/tools/include              \  
 $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tools/lib/pkgconfig \  
 $ ../configure --prefix=/usr           \  
    --bindir=/bin           \  
    --with-root-prefix=""   \  
    --enable-elf-shlibs     \  
    --disable-libblkid      \  
    --disable-libuuid       \  
    --disable-uuidd         \  
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • test suite
 $ ln -sfv /tools/lib/lib{blk,uu}id.so.1 lib  
 $ make LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tools/lib check

(에러발생) 아래와같이 나왔지만 그냥 진행.

150 tests succeeded    2 tests failed  
Tests failed: f_boundscheck i_e2image   
Makefile:338: recipe for target 'test_post' failed  
make[1]: *** [test_post] Error 1  
make[1]: Leaving directory '/sources/e2fsprogs-1.42.12/build/tests'  
Makefile:372: recipe for target 'check-recursive' failed  
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

/밑에 다지우고 다시 6장부터 시작하니 에러발생안함.
5장 /tools제작할때 쓰인 source밑에 압축풀린 디렉토리를 제거하지 않고 사용한게 문제였는듯.

  • 설치
 $ make install
  • Install the static libraries and headers
 $ make install-libs
  • 디버깅 심볼을 나중에 지울수 있게 w권한줌
 $ chmod -v u+w /usr/lib/{libcom_err,libe2p,libext2fs,libss}.a
  • 압축해제
 $ gunzip -v /usr/share/info/libext2fs.info.gz  
 $ install-info --dir-file=/usr/share/info/dir /usr/share/info/libext2fs.info
  • documentation 생성
 $ makeinfo -o      doc/com_err.info ../lib/et/com_err.texinfo  
 $ install -v -m644 doc/com_err.info /usr/share/info  
 $ install-info --dir-file=/usr/share/info/dir /usr/share/info/com_err.info

6.29. Coreutils-8.23

기본 시스템의 유틸리티 설치

  • 패치 적용
 $ patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-8.23-i18n-1.patch   
 $ touch Makefile.in
  • prepare Coreutils for compilation
 $ FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 ./configure \  
            --prefix=/usr            \  
  • Compile the package
 $ make

(에러발생) make -j2로 했었음.

  GEN      man/cp.1  
  help2man: cant get --help info from man/cp.td/cp  
  Try `--no-discard-stderr if option outputs to stderr  
  Makefile:14065: recipe for target 'man/cp.1' failed  
  make[2]: *** [man/cp.1] Error 127

경로 지우고 다시 make시도 -> 그래도 안됨 (man/cp.1에서 에러남)
Makefile에서 아래와같이 수정하고 make -j1으로 다시 빌드.
run_help2man = $(PERL) -- $(srcdir)/man/help2man --no-discard-stderr
-> 여기서부터 / 밑에 다 지우고 다시시작

/밑에 다지우고 다시 6장부터 시작하니 에러발생안함.
5장 /tools제작할때 쓰인 source밑에 압축풀린 디렉토리를 제거하지 않고 사용한게 문제였는듯.

  • test suite
 $ make NON_ROOT_USERNAME=nobody check-root

이제부터 테스트를 하기위해 nobody 유져를 생성하여 진행.
(찾아보기) 왜 nobody유져로 테스트를 해야하는지?

  • /etc/group 수정
 $ echo "dummy:x:1000:nobody" >> /etc/group

(찾아보기) nobody user란?

  • 현재 디렉토리부터 nobody로 권한줌 (테스트용)
 $ chown -Rv nobody .

ls -al 해보면 모든 디렉토리가 nobody root로 바뀜.

  • run the tests
 $ su nobody -s /bin/bash \  
          -c "PATH=$PATH make RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes check"

nobody로 bash쉘에 로그인해서 make check실행
(찾아보기) 끝나면 자동으로 nobody에서 root로 변경?

  • Remove the temporary group
 $ sed -i '/dummy/d' /etc/group

make check가 정상적으로 완료되면 임시로 생성하였던 그룹 제거(nobody)

  • Install the package
 $ make install
  • FHS에 맞게 유틸리티 위치시킴
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/{cat,chgrp,chmod,chown,cp,date,dd,df,echo} /bin  
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/{false,ln,ls,mkdir,mknod,mv,pwd,rm} /bin  
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/{rmdir,stty,sync,true,uname} /bin  
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/chroot /usr/sbin  
 $ mv -v /usr/share/man/man1/chroot.1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8  
 $ sed -i s/\"1\"/\"8\"/1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8
  • 아래는 루트 파티션의 부트스트립트와 관련된 패키지
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/{head,sleep,nice,test,[} /bin

Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on head, sleep, and
nice. As /usr may not be available during the early stages of booting, those
binaries need to be on the root partition:

6.30. Iana-Etc-2.30

6.30.1. Installation of Iana-Etc

  • 빌드
 $ make
  • Install the package
 $ make install

이후에 /etc/protocols 와 /etc/services 가 생김.
(찾아보기) /etc/protocols 와 /etc/services 의 역할??
Describes the various DARPA Internet protocols that are available from the TCP/IP subsystem
Provides a mapping between friendly textual names for internet services, and their underlying assigned port numbers and protocol types

6.31. M4-1.4.17

The M4 package contains a macro processor.

  • Prepare M4 for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • 빌드
 $ make
  • test suite
 $ make check


  • Install the package
 $ make install

6.32. Flex-2.5.39

text에서 패턴을 인식하는 프로그램 생성을 위한 패키지

  • bison을 필요로 하는 regression test 스킵
 $ sed -i -e '/test-bison/d' tests/Makefile.in
  • Prepare Flex for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/flex-2.5.39
  • Compile the package
 $ make
  • To test the results (about 0.5 SBU)
 $ make check
  • Install the package:
 $ make install
  • lex 심링크 생성
 $ ln -sv flex /usr/bin/lex

lex 로 많이 씀.

6.33. Bison-3.0.4

6.33.1. Installation of Bison

  • Prepare Bison for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bison-3.0.4
  • Compile the package
 $ make

 $ make check

(주의) 6.32 flex에서 모르고 make install을 안했더니 아래와 같은 에러뜸.
정말로 flex 쳐봤더니 명령어가 없음. 다시 돌아가서 make install실행하니 정상.

g++: error: ./examples/calc++/calc++-scanner.cc: No such file or directory  
g++: fatal error: no input files  
compilation terminated.

(참고) http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.lfs.support/37684

  • Install the package
 $ make install

6.34. Grep-2.21

The Grep package contains programs for searching through files.

  • 잠재적 보안이슈 수정
 $ sed -i -e '/tp++/a  if (ep <= tp) break;' src/kwset.c
  • Prepare Grep for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin
  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • To test the results
 $ make check
  • Install the package
 $ make install

6.35. Readline-6.3

The Readline package is a set of libraries that offers command-line editing and history capabilities.

6.35.1. Installation of Readline

First install some patches to fix various bugs that have been addressed upstream:

  • 버그 수정
 $ patch -Np1 -i ../readline-6.3-upstream_fixes-3.patch

upstream에서 진행되었었던.

  • 몇몇 버그 발생 가능성 수정
 $ sed -i '/MV.*old/d' Makefile.in  
 $ sed -i '/{OLDSUFF}/c:' support/shlib-install

Reinstalling Readline will cause the old libraries to be moved to .old. While this is normally not a problem, in some cases it can trigger a linking bug in ldconfig. This can be avoided by issuing the following two seds:

  • Prepare Readline for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/readline-6.3
  • Compile the package:
 $ make SHLIB_LIBS=-lncurses
  • test suite는 패키지에 포함 안되어있음
  • Install the package:
 $ make SHLIB_LIBS=-lncurses install
  • dynamic library 보다 적절한 위치로 이동, 몇몇 심링크 수정
 $ mv -v /usr/lib/lib{readline,history}.so.* /lib  
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libreadline.so) /usr/lib/libreadline.so  
 $ ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libhistory.so ) /usr/lib/libhistory.so
  • install the documentation:
 $ install -v -m644 doc/*.{ps,pdf,html,dvi} /usr/share/doc/readline-6.3

6.36. Bash-4.3.30

  • 버그 패치 적용
 $ patch -Np1 -i ../bash-4.3.30-upstream_fixes-1.patch
  • Prepare Bash for compilation
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr                    \  
    --bindir=/bin                    \  
    --docdir=/usr/share/doc/bash-4.3.30 \  
    --without-bash-malloc            \  

configure를 바로 전에 설치한 readline 라이브러리를 사용하는것으로 지정.

  • 빌드
 $ make
  • nobody user로 현재 경로 소유권 지정
 $ chown -Rv nobody .

nobody 유져가 현재 소스트리를 write할 수 있어야함

  • nobody user로 test진행
 $ su nobody -s /bin/bash -c "PATH=$PATH make tests"

(찾아보기) make check를 nobody로 진행하는 이유는?

  • Install the package
 $ make install
  • 설치한 새 bash로 로그인
 $ exec /bin/bash --login +h

6.37. Bc-1.06.95

The Bc package contains an arbitrary precision numeric processing language.

  • 코드의 일부 memory leaks수정 패치적용
 $ patch -Np1 -i ../bc-1.06.95-memory_leak-1.patch
  • Prepare Bc for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr           \  
    --with-readline         \  
    --mandir=/usr/share/man \  

Bc도 configure를 바로 전에 설치한 readline 라이브러리를 사용하는것으로 지정.

  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • bc test
 $ echo "quit" | ./bc/bc -l Test/checklib.b
  • Install the package:
 $ make install

6.38. Libtool-2.4.6

The Libtool package contains the GNU generic library support script. It wraps the complexity of using shared libraries in a consistent, portable interface.

  • Prepare Libtool for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • To test the results (about 11.0 SBU), issue:
 $ make check

make check 시
이런 에러가 남 automake이후에 다시 하면 없어질 거라고함.

Makefile:2459: recipe for target 'check-local' failed  
make[3]: *** [check-local] Error 1  
make[3]: Leaving directory '/sources/libtool-2.4.6'  
Makefile:1897: recipe for target 'check-am' failed  
make[2]: *** [check-am] Error 2  
make[2]: Leaving directory '/sources/libtool-2.4.6'  
Makefile:1606: recipe for target 'check-recursive' failed  
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1  
make[1]: Leaving directory '/sources/libtool-2.4.6'  
Makefile:1899: recipe for target 'check' failed  
make: *** [check] Error 2
  • Install the package:
 $ make install

6.39. GDBM-1.11

The GDBM package contains the GNU Database Manager.

6.39.1. Installation of GDBM

  • Prepare GDBM for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-libgdbm-compat
  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • To test the results, issue:
 $ make check
  • Install the package:
 $ make install

6.40. Expat-2.1.0

The Expat package contains a stream oriented C library for parsing XML.

6.40.1. Installation of Expat

  • Prepare Expat for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • To test the results, issue:
 $ make check
  • Install the package:
 $ make install
  • install the documentation:
 $ install -v -dm755 /usr/share/doc/expat-2.1.0  
 $ install -v -m644 doc/*.{html,png,css} /usr/share/doc/expat-2.1.0

6.41. Inetutils-1.9.2

The Inetutils package contains programs for basic networking.

6.41.1. Installation of Inetutils

  • 적절한 빌드를 위해 ifconfig를 허용하도록 정의 추가
 $ echo '#define PATH_PROCNET_DEV "/proc/net/dev"' >> ifconfig/system/linux.h
  • Prepare Inetutils for compilation:
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr  \  
    --localstatedir=/var   \  
    --disable-logger       \  
    --disable-whois        \  
  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • To test the results, issue:
 $ make check
  • Install the package:
 $ make install
  • Move some programs so they are available if /usr is not accessible:
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/{hostname,ping,ping6,traceroute} /bin  
 $ mv -v /usr/bin/ifconfig /sbin

6.42. Perl-5.20.2

The Perl package contains the Practical Extraction and Report Language.

6.42.1. Installation of Perl

  • Perl confituration파일이 참고하는 /etc/hosts 파일 생성
 $ echo " localhost $(hostname)" > /etc/hosts
  • perl이 시스템에 설치된 라이브러리 사용 하도록
 $ export BUILD_ZLIB=False  
 $ export BUILD_BZIP2=0
  • configure
 $ sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr                 \  
               -Dvendorprefix=/usr           \  
               -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \  
               -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \  
               -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"  \  
  • Compile the package:
 $ make
  • To test the results (approximately 2.5 SBU)
 $ make -k test
  • Install the package and clean up:
 $ make install  

6.43. XML::Parser-2.44

The XML::Parser module is a Perl interface to James Clark`s XML parser, Expat.

6.43.1. Installation of XML::Parser

  • Prepare XML::Parser for compilation:
perl Makefile.PL
  • Compile the package:
  • To test the results, issue:
make test
  • Install the package:
make install

6.44. Autoconf-2.69

The Autoconf package contains programs for producing shell scripts that can automatically configure source code.

  • Prepare Autoconf for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr
  • Compile the package:
  • To test the results, issue:
make check

check 5개 에러발생 그러나 정상임
(In addition, one test fails due to changes in libtool-2.4.3 and later.)

  • Install the package:
make install

6.45. Automake-1.15

The Automake package contains programs for generating Makefiles for use with Autoconf.

6.45.1. Installation of Automake

  • Prepare Automake for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/automake-1.15
  • Compile the package:
  • test suite
sed -i "s:./configure:LEXLIB=/usr/lib/libfl.a &:" t/lex-{clean,depend}-cxx.sh  
make -j4 check
  • Install the package:
make install

results matching ""

    No results matching ""