12. Loops and the status register
접미사 -s
-> CPSR update
지금까지 나온 예제에선 cmp
을 update하는 명령어였다. 기본 명령어는 CPSR
을 update하지 않는다. 반면 접미사 -s
를 붙이면 CPSR
을 update한다.
for (int i = 100 ; i >= 0; i--)
에 대한 다음 asm명령어를 보자.
cmp 사용 cpsr update
mov r1, #100 loop: /* do something */ sub r1, r1, #1 /* r1 ← r1 - 1 */ cmp r1, #0 /* update cpsr with r1 - 0 */ bge loop /* branch if r1 >= 100 */
-s suffix 를 이용한 cpsr update
mov r1, #100 loop: /* do something */ subs r1, r1, #1 /* r1 ← r1 - 1 and update cpsr with the final r1 */ bpl loop /* branch if the previous sub computed a positive number (PL: N flag in cpsr is 0) */
뺄셈 연산한 뒤cpsr
Operating 64-bit numbers in 32-bit ARM
- 더하기
첫번째 값 {r2,r3}에 저장되어 있음. the second in {r4,r5} 결과값은 {r0,r1} 에 저장한다고 할때:
add r1, r3, r5 /* First we add the higher part */
/* r1 ← r3 + r5 */
adds r0, r2, r4 /* Now we add the lower part and we update cpsr */
/* r0 ← r2 + r4 */
addcs r1, r1, #1 /* If adding the lower part caused carry, add 1 to the higher part */
/* if C = 1 then r1 ← r1 + 1 */
/* Note that here the suffix -s is not applied, -cs means carry set */
: -s 접미사로cpsr
carry 가 업데이트됨addcs
C가 업데이트 되어있으면 더함.
-cs (carry set) 으로 carry가 있으면 1을 더함
adds r0, r2, r4 /* First add the lower part and update cpsr */
/* r0 ← r2 + r4 */
adc r1, r3, r5 /* Now add the higher part plus the carry from the lower one */
/* r1 ← r3 + r5 + C */
: carry flag가 있으면 자동으로 1까지 더하는 명령어
- 빼기
subs r0, r2, r4 /* First subtract the lower part and update cpsr */
/* r0 ← r2 - r4 */
sbc r1, r3, r5 /* Now subtract the higher part plus the NOT of the carry from the lower one */
/* r1 ← r3 - r5 - ~C */
- 곱하기
잘 이해못함, 공부를 다시 할것
umull r0, r6, r2, r4
/* Note: This is not the most efficient way to doa 64-bit multiplication.
This is for illustration purposes */
/* The argument will be passed in r0, r1 and r2, r3 and returned in r0, r1 */
/* Keep the registers that we are going to write */
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
/* For covenience, move {r0,r1} into {r4,r5} */
mov r4, r0 /* r0 ← r4 */
mov r5, r1 /* r5 ← r1 */
umull r0, r6, r2, r4 /* {r0,r6} ← r2 * r4 */
umull r7, r8, r3, r4 /* {r7,r8} ← r3 * r4 */
umull r4, r5, r2, r5 /* {r4,r5} ← r2 * r5 */
adds r2, r7, r4 /* r2 ← r7 + r4 and update cpsr */
adc r1, r2, r6 /* r1 ← r2 + r6 + C */
/* Restore registers */
pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
bx lr /* Leave mult64 */