5. Branches

r15, a PC register

pc has address which is next instruction going to be executed. The branching is same with changing pc register value. ARM has own branch instruction for modifying pc register.

pc (Program Counter) 는 다음에 실행될 명령어 주소가 담겨있다.

Unconditional branches

Instruction b with label is used for unconditional branching.

.global main
    mov r0, #2 /* r0 ←  2 */
    b end      /* branch to 'end' */
    mov r0, #3 /* r0 ←  3 */
    bx lr

참고: branch instruction 종류

  • b : branch
    명령어 뒤에 지정된 상수값(혹은 Label)에 해당하는 주소로 분기

  • bl : branch with link
    명령어 뒤에 지정된 상수값(혹은 Label)에 해당하는 주소로 분기 하되, 현재의 pc + 0x4 번지의 복귀 주소값을 lr 레지스터에 저장

  • bx : branch indirect
    명령어 뒤에 지정된 레지스터로 분기

  • blx : branch indirect with link
    명령어 뒤에 지정된 레지스터로 분기 하되, 현재의 pc + 0x4 번지의 복귀 주소값을 lr 레지스터에 저장

    출처 http://trace32.com/wiki/index.php/B,_BL,_BX_and_BLX

Conditional branches

CPSR (Current Program Status Register)

It has flags called N (negative), Z (zero), C (carry) and V (overflow).
These condition flags are read by branch instructions. And,
Arithmetic instruction/ special testing/ comparison instruction이 이 상태 레지스터 값을 update 할 수 있다.

* N : Negative : 연산결과가 마이너스인 경우에 set됨
* Z : Zero : 연산결과가 0인 경우에 set됨
* C : Carry : 연산결과에 자리 올림이 발생한 경우에 set됨.
* V : oVer flow : 연산의 결과가 overflow 났을 경우에 set됨.
    (by any instructions)
cmp r1, r2

will update cpsr doing "r1 - r2", (r1, r2값은 바뀌지 않음)
cmp 명령어만 cpsr 을 update할 수 있다? -> #12장 참고

r1 < r2 인경우: N updated
r1 == r2 인경우: Z updated
r1 == 1, r2 == 0 인경우: C enabled(1) (no carries)
r1 == 0, r2 == 1 인경우: C disabled(0)
r1 == 2147483647(+ integer 최대 값), r2 == -1 인 경우: Overflow, V updated

EQ    (equal) When Z is enabled (Z is 1)
NE     (not equal). When Z is disabled. (Z is 0)
GE     (greater or equal than, in two’s complement).
    When both V and N are enabled or disabled (V is N)
LT     (lower than, in two’s complement).
    This is the opposite of GE, so when V and N are not both enabled or disabled
    (V is not N)
GT     (greather than, in two’s complement).
    When Z is disabled and N and V are both enabled or disabled
    (Z is 0, N is V)
LE     (lower or equal than, in two’s complement).
    When Z is enabled or if not that, N and V are both enabled or disabled
    (Z is 1. If Z is not 1 then N is V)
MI     (minus/negative) When N is enabled (N is 1)
PL     (plus/positive or zero) When N is disabled (N is 0)
VS     (overflow set) When V is enabled (V is 1)
VC     (overflow clear) When V is disabled (V is 0)
HI     (higher) When C is enabled and Z is disabled (C is 1 and Z is 0)
LS     (lower or same) When C is disabled or Z is enabled (C is 0 or Z is 1)
CS/HS     (carry set/higher or same) When C is enabled (C is 1)
CC/LO     (carry clear/lower) When C is disabled (C is 0)

위 condition들이 b 와 합쳐져서 instruction 이름이 됨.

가령 beq는 Z가 1일 때만 branch함.

/* -- compare01.s */
.global main
    mov r1, #2       /* r1 ←  2 */
    mov r2, #2       /* r2 ←  2 */
    cmp r1, r2       /* update cpsr condition codes with the value of r1-r2 */
    beq case_equal   /* branch to case_equal only if Z = 1 */
case_different :
    mov r0, #2       /* r0 ←  2 */
    b end            /* branch to end */
    mov r0, #1       /* r0 ←  1 */
    bx lr

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