1.3. Linear Algebra Review

1.3.1 Vector

A vector is a matrix with one column and many rows:

So vectors are a subset of matrices. The above vector is a 4 x 1 matrix.


4 demensional Vector 이다.

  • refers to the element in the ith row and jth column of matrix A.
  • A vector with 'n' rows is referred to as an 'n'-dimensional vector.

  • refers to the element in the ith row of the vector.
  • In general, all our vectors and matrices will be 1-indexed. Note that for some programming languages, the arrays are 0-indexed.
  • Matrices are usually denoted by uppercase names while vectors are lowercase.
  • "Scalar" means that an object is a single value, not a vector or matrix.

  • refers to the set of scalar real numbers.

  • refers to the set of n-dimensional vectors of real numbers.

Octave/Matlab commands

% The ; denotes we are going back to a new row.    
A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12]    
% Initialize a vector     
v = [1;2;3]     

% Get the dimension of the matrix A where m = rows and n = columns    
[m,n] = size(A)    
% You could also store it this way    
dim_A = size(A)    
% Get the dimension of the vector v     
dim_v = size(v)    
% Now lets index into the 2nd row 3rd column of matrix A    
A_23 = A(2,3)

1.3.2 Matrix addition and substriction and 스칼라곱

In scalar multiplication, we simply multiply every element by the scalar value:

In scalar division, we simply divide every element by the scalar value:

Octave/Matlab commands

% Initialize matrix A and B     
A = [1, 2, 4; 5, 3, 2]    
B = [1, 3, 4; 1, 1, 1]    
% Initialize constant s     
s = 2    

% See how element-wise addition works    
add_AB = A + B     
% See how element-wise subtraction works    
sub_AB = A - B    
% See how scalar multiplication works    
mult_As = A * s    
% Divide A by s    
div_As = A / s    
% What happens if we have a Matrix + scalar?    
add_As = A + s

1.3.3. Matrix * Vector Multiplication

m x n matrix X n x 1 vector => m x 1 vector

  • 사례
    행렬곱을 사용하면 모든 집값을 편하게 예측할수 있다. 각 x변수에 해당하는 y값을 한번에 계산할 수 있다.

Hypothesis function 가 있다고 가정하고 내가 가진 집크기가 왼쪽의 4개의 값을 가지고 있을때 가격을 예측해보자. 행렬곱을 이용해서 한번에 계산할 수 있다.

우리는 이런 연산을 다른 모델에서 regression 을 개발하기 위한 연산자로 잘 활용할 수 있다.

Octave/Matlab commands

% Initialize matrix A     
A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6;7, 8, 9]     
% Initialize vector v     
v = [1; 1; 1]     

% Multiply A * v    
Av = A * v

1.3.4. Matrix * Matrix Multiplication

An m x n matrix multiplied by an n x o matrix results in an m x o matrix

행렬곱은 여러개의 계산식을 하나의 행렬곱셈으로 표현하게 해준다.

  • 사례

이번엔 여러개의 집크기에 대한 가격 예측을 할때, 여러개의 가설함수를 있다고 하자. matrix곱을 사용하면 한번에 계산 할 수 있다.

결과 matrix의 열이 각 집크기에 상응하는 예측 가격이다.

Octave/Matlab commands

% Initialize a 3 by 2 matrix     
A = [1, 2; 3, 4;5, 6]    
% Initialize a 2 by 1 matrix     
B = [1; 2]     

% We expect a resulting matrix of (3 by 2)*(2 by 1) = (3 by 1)     
mult_AB = A*B

1.3.5. Matrix Multiplication Properties

  • 교환법칙 X
    Matrices are not commutative: A∗B≠B∗A
  • 결합법칙 O
    Matrices are associative: (A∗B)∗C=A∗(B∗C)

  • Identity Matrix (항등원)

교환법칙, 결합법칙 모두 성립

Octave/Matlab commands

% Initialize random matrices A and B     
A = [1,2;4,5]    
B = [1,1;0,2]    

% Initialize a 2 by 2 identity matrix    
I = eye(2)    
% The above notation is the same as I = [1,0;0,1]    
% What happens when we multiply I*A ?    
IA = I*A     
% How about A*I ?    
AI = A*I     
% Compute A*B     
AB = A*B     
% Is it equal to B*A?     
BA = B*A     
% Note that IA = AI but AB != BA

1.3.6. Inverse and Transpose

  • Inverse matrix 역행렬

    The inverse of a matrix A is denoted . Multiplying by the inverse results in the identity matrix.

  • Transpose matrix 전치행렬
    90도 회전된 행렬 The transposition of a matrix is like rotating the matrix 90° in clockwise direction and then reversing it.

Octave/Matlab commands

% Initialize matrix A     
A = [1,2,0;0,5,6;7,0,9]    

% Transpose A     
A_trans = A'   //'    
% Take the inverse of A     
A_inv = inv(A)    
% What is A^(-1)*A?     
A_invA = inv(A)*A

다음 시간부터 linear algebra 를 다룰수 있는 툴에 대해 살펴본다.

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