ex4-2 Backpropagation

1. sigmoid gradient

gz = sigmoid(z);  
g = gz .* (1 - gz);

2. Random initialization

epsilon_init = 0.12;  
W = rand(L_out, 1 + L_in) * 2 * epsilon_init - epsilon_init;

3. Backpropagation

% -------------------------------------------------------------  
% Part 2: Implement the backpropagation algorithm to compute the gradients  
%         Theta1_grad and Theta2_grad. You should return the partial derivatives of  
%         the cost function with respect to Theta1 and Theta2 in Theta1_grad and  
%         Theta2_grad, respectively. After implementing Part 2, you can check  
%         that your implementation is correct by running checkNNGradients  
%         Note: The vector y passed into the function is a vector of labels  
%               containing values from 1..K. You need to map this vector into a   
%               binary vector of 1's and 0's to be used with the neural network  
%               cost function.  
%         Hint: We recommend implementing backpropagation using a for-loop  
%               over the training examples if you are implementing it for the   
%               first time.  

for t=1:m  
    % 1. feedforward   
    a_1 = X(t,:)';        % t-th training set x^t  
                % a_1: (401)x1  
    z_2 = (Theta1 * a_1);    % theta1: 25x401  
    a_2 = sigmoid(z_2);    % z_2: 25x1   

    a_2 = [1 ; a_2];    % a_2: (25+1)x1  
    z_3 = (Theta2 * a_2);    % theta2: 10x26   
    a_3 = sigmoid(z_3);    % a_3: 10x1  

    % 2. delta of output unit  
    d_3 = a_3 - Y(t,:)';    % d_3: 10x1  
    % 3. delta of hidden layer l=2  
    z_2 = [1 ; z_2];                % z_2: (25+1)x1  
    d_2 = (Theta2' * d_3) .* sigmoidGradient(z_2);    % d_2: 26x1  
    % 4. accumulate gradient   
    d_2 = d_2(2:end);                % d_2: (26-1)x1  
    Theta2_grad = Theta2_grad + d_3 * a_2';        % 10x1 * 1x26  
    Theta1_grad = Theta1_grad + d_2 * a_1';        % 25x1 * 1x401  

% 5. obtain final gredient  
Theta2_grad = Theta2_grad ./ m;  
Theta1_grad = Theta1_grad ./ m;

4. Regularizaed Neural networks

% -------------------------------------------------------------  
% Part 3: Implement regularization with the cost function and gradients.  
%         Hint: You can implement this around the code for  
%               backpropagation. That is, you can compute the gradients for  
%               the regularization separately and then add them to Theta1_grad  
%               and Theta2_grad from Part 2.  

Theta2_grad(:,2:end) = Theta2_grad(:,2:end) + (lambda/m)*Theta2(:,2:end);  
Theta1_grad(:,2:end) = Theta1_grad(:,2:end) + (lambda/m)*Theta1(:,2:end);  

Theta2_grad(:,1) = Theta2_grad(:,1);  
Theta1_grad(:,1) = Theta1_grad(:,1);


위에서 구현한 costFunction 을 가지고 fmincg 돌리면 구해짐.

[nn_params, cost] = fmincg(costFunction, initial_nn_params, options);

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